Re: [gtkmm] get method inconsistencies

On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 09:35, Murray Cumming wrote:
> So could you revise your review now that you know:
> - accessors that return reference or reference-like things, such as
> children() or signal_something() have no get_() prefix.
> - methods such as empty() are intended to mimic the STL interfaces. In
> particular, we _cannot_ change the ustring interface - it has to mimic
> the std::string interface.

Ok, I checked the source again and ignored reference methods and
stl-like methods. The List now contains the following methods:

treeiter.h  TreeRow   parent()   -> get_parent()
treemodelcolumn.h  TreeModelColumnRecord  size()  -> get_size()
                                          types() -> get_types()
                   TreeModelColumnBase    type()  -> get_type()
                                          index() -> get_index()
main.h  Main  instance()  -> get_instance()
table.h  Child  parent()  -> get_parent()

color.h  Color  red_p()   -> get_red_p()          ?? what does _p mean?
                green_p() -> get_green_p()
                blue_p()  -> get_blue_p()
rgbcmap.h  RgbCmap  size()  -> get_size()

thread.h  Thread      joinable() -> is_joinable()
          Mutex       locked()   -> is_locked()
          RecMutex    locked()   -> is_locked()
          ReaderLock  locked()   -> is_locked()
          WriterLock  locked()   -> is_locked()
timeval.h   TimeVal  negative()  -> is_negative()
                     valid()     -> is_valid()
error.h              domain()    -> get_domain()
                     code()      -> get_code()
                     what()      -> get_message()    !! more descriptive
ustring.h   ustring  uppercase() -> get_uppercase()
                     lowercase() -> get_lowercase()
                     casefold()  -> get_casefold()
quark.h     QueryQuark  id() -> get_id()


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