Re: [GtkGLExt] bizarre behavior on Core 2 Duo/1280x800


I had strange system dependent issues when using gtk with vtk interfaced via
gtkglext.  I didn't have the same problem you described, but certain actors
would not appear if I was displaying things on a mac.  Specifically, if I tried
to display both a vtkVolume and an vtkActor, the vtkVolume would disappear.  I
could run something remotely on a linux box with the display on the mac, and I'd
have the same error as if running locally on a mac.  On the other hand, if I ran
on a mac but displayed on a linux box, it would work.  This led me to believe
that there was some strange interaction between the version of X-windows on the
mac and gtkglext.  When I discovered that gtkglext was not necessary to
interface gtk and vtk as discussed here ( ), the errors went
away.  My suggestion is to try to have vtk display in a regular gtk DrawingArea
within whatever language you are using.  If that happens to be Python, I've
described how to do this in the link above.


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