[GtkGLExt] Why is gtkglextmm linked against gtkmm-2.0?


We want to integrate a gtkglextmm DrawingArea into our windows. The problem is that the rest of our application is based on gtkmm-2.4. On Linux we had no problem using gtkmm-2.0 and gtkmm-2.4 together, but on windows we are encountering some difficulties. Finally we got it to compile, but the program won't run. We think that it is a conflict with the two gtkmm verions, since the the gtkglextmm examples, that are compiled only with gtkmm-2.0, work fine. Is there a posssibility to compile and link gtkgelxtmm against gtkmm-2.4? Or do you suggest any other solution?
We appreciate you help

The TUP Group of unibz

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