Re: [GtkGLExt] Anybody using gtkglext-sharp?

Am Montag, den 17.04.2006, 19:40 +0200 schrieb Mirco M�

> Timothy, can you - as a
> registered developer at - checkout the gtkglext-sharp tree? If
> so, could you tar it up and send it to me. I'd like to see how much of
> this is usable.

I found a tarball of the 0.1.0 release for gtkglext-sharp here...

but trying to get those compiled for a C#/mono-newbie like me is out of
the question. I also ranted a bit around in #mono at and
got to know that there's no focus on things like that. I believe the
most work-intensive parts have been done alreay by the Tao-project. They
offer bindings for plain OpenGL, GLU. But while keeping their focus on
the right bindings for Mono's gtk-centric nature and thus going for
maintaining gtkglext-sharp bindings they did bindings such esoteric
stuff like Glfw, PhysFS and DevIL.

	If anyone wants to give it a try themselves... grab the above mentioned
tarball, a fresh gtkglext-1.2.0 tarball (needed for function-name
extraction I believe), installed gapi-parser-2 packages for your distro
(under Ubuntu's Dapper Drake I had to apt-get gtk-sharp2-gapi). You'll
have to adjust much of the included Makefiles from gtkglext-sharp. But I
guess that is very obvious to experienced C#/Mono developers, when they
see the error-messages reported for using the Makefiles unmodified.

	It would be very cool if someone could up gtlglext-sharp to go
alongside with gtkglext-1.2.0

Thanks in advance!

Best regards...


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