Re: [gtk-win32] g_idle_add() weirdness

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tor Lillqvist"

Could the fact that in pthreads-win32 pthread_t is not a pointer (or
some integral type), but a struct, have something to do with this? (I
mean, could this lead your code into wrongly identifying what thread
the callback is running in? The only correct way to compare pthread_t
values is pthread_equal().)

I don't think that's the problem but just to be sure, I changed the idle
function to look like this:-

pthread_t UIthreadID;   // Global - gets set elsewhere in the program
gboolean MainWindow::idle_set_progress(gpointer _pValue)
   // In theory, this function should be executing
   // from within the GUI thread
   if (pthread_equal (UIthreadID, pthread_self()))
       if ((m_pProgress) && (_pValue))
           double* pNewValue = static_cast<double*>(_pValue);
           double  new_value = *pNewValue;
           m_pProgress->set_fraction (new_value);

   return (false);

The above code results in the progress bar getting updated in the Linux and
Cygwin versions but not updated in the gtk-win32 version.  So it still looks
like the code is being executed in the wrong thread.  Here's how I set up
the worker thread.  Is there possibly something wrong in my approach to
this? - n.b. assume that 'ThreadFunc()' is actually defined somewhere.

class WorkerThread
   static void* ThreadFunc (void*);

   sigc::signal<void, double> m_sigNotify;
   sigc::signal<void> m_sigFinished;

static WorkerThread  Worker;
pthread_t UIthreadID, WTthreadID;

// All below is carried out in the main GUI thread
WTthreadID = UIthreadID = pthread_self();
int create_failed = pthread_create(&WTthreadID, 0,
                                    &WorkerThread::ThreadFunc, &Worker);

if ((create_failed) || (pthread_equal(WTthreadID, UIthreadID)))
   m_pButton->set_label ("Worker thread creation failed....");

If the above looks okay, I could produce a simplified program written only
in 'C' but I'm busy with another project for the next few days so it would
have to wait until the weekend.



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