Re: [gtk-vnc-devel] Supporting VMware VNC extensions in gtk-vnc

Ramesh Dharan wrote:
Hi Anthony,
Yes the mailing list is still very much alive but I'm not really working on
VNC-related stuff anymore.

We will be adding support for appropriate server<->client message negotiation
but this isn't in any shipping products yet. Dustin Byford (who also reads
this list) is heading all the VNC protocol development work these days and
he's probably a better contact person than me. I know Dustin has the
negotiation fixes on his plate to tackle in the near term; I believe he also
has a better protocol document available.

Well in the absence of proper negotation, I'd still like to hack something up. Can you give me a quick description of what the format of the client messages are?


Anthony Liguori


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Liguori [mailto:anthony codemonkey ws]
Sent: Mon 12/31/2007 9:40 AM
To: vm-rfb vmware com; gtk-vnc-devel List; Ramesh Dharan
Subject: Supporting VMware VNC extensions in gtk-vnc
Hi Ramesh,

I hope this mailing list is still live. I noticed in the most recent RFB spec that the encoding range used by VMware is now reserved. I'd like to add support for these extensions to gtk-vnc. I'm wondering if there's more definitive documentation than [1]. Specifically, for the new client/server messages, does the server support a negotiation mechanism yet as recommended in the RFB spec?



Anthony Liguori

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