Re: [gtk-vnc-devel] First patch

On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 11:26:58AM -0300, Jonh Wendell wrote:
> Hi, folks.
> I've made a simple patch to gtk-vnc, which:
> - Create two public get functions: get_width() and get_height()
> - Create a vnc-connected signal, which is emitted when we connect into a
> remote machine

Can we rename that to be 'vnc-initialized'. Currently we pass in an already
connected file handle for the socket, however, in the future we'll be able
to pass in a hostname & port, and have the VNC widget manage the connection
process. When that happens I'd like to use 'vnc-connected' to emit when 
the socket connects to the server, and then have 'vnc-initialized' to emit
when protocol handshake completes.

> I needed to create that signal because those properties (desktop name,
> width and height) are only available when you connect (actually gvnc
> struct is created inside connect() function)

Yes, that makes sense - certainly for desktop name. For width & height
though we should add a further signal 'vnc-desktop-resize' including
the width & height as args to the signal, since the desktop can be resized
at any time during the lifetime of the connection. Can still have your new
get_width & get_height methods too, since they can be useful outside that

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