Re: How to implement custom interfaces in derived TreeModelSort ?

Hi Torsten,

> Maybe you forgot to call
> enable_model_drag_source or enable_model_drag_dest?

No, I was doing that [1].

> The following code,
> adapting from an old thread on this list*, works for me:

Thanks for this working example !  I was able to spot the difference with mine: how you create the "sorted model".

I was doing:

my $model_sort = MyTreeModelSort->new_with_model($model);

while you created your own constructor !

After I changed the above line with:

my $model_sort = MyTreeModelSort->new(model => $model);

all suddenly worked as expected...
(see attached for the complete code)

Both lines are supposed to do the same, aren't they ?
If I read correctly, "new_with_model" is calling "sort_new_with_model" in "TreeModel" ; is this still correct ?

In any case, thanks a lot for your answer and your so valuable help !

Wish you a wonderful night.


[1] See code attached to

Description: Perl program

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