Re: BUG: Gtk3::Application->id_is_valid stringifies the object it's called on

On 20.09.2016 11:16, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
There's  a big bug:
Gtk3::Application->id_is_valid stringifies the object it's called on:

$ perl
$VAR1 = [
          bless( {}, 'Gtk3::Application' )
$VAR1 = [
Can't locate object method "register" via package
"Gtk3::Application=HASH(0x3463828)" (perhaps you forgot to load
"Gtk3::Application=HASH(0x3463828)"?) at line 13.
id_is_valid is not a method, but a class function in
Glib::IO::Application.  See 'perli11ndoc Gio::Application::id_is_valid'
or the C docs.  So this should work:

  Glib::IO::Application::id_is_valid ('test.test')

(Yeah, I'm aware of the "Gio" vs. "Glib::IO" mismatch in the
'perli11ndoc' call above, but I don't know how to resolve it -- given
that perli11ndoc is not aware of the Glib::IO module.  Suggestions welcome.)

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