Sorry if the questions are too easy but it is my first attempt to write a GTK3 binding with GOI.
Using the modul I noticed two problems:1) If I write "my $lm = Gtk3::SourceView::LanguageManager->get_default();" I get the warn: "*** Gtk3::SourceView::LanguageManager::get_default: passed too many parameters (expected 0, got 1); ignoring excess at line 22." Surprisingly "my $lm = Gtk3::SourceView::LanguageManager::get_default();" works without problems.
2) If I set the language with "my $lang = $lm->get_language("perl");" and set the buffer with "$buffer1->set_language("$lang");" I get the error "`Gtk3::SourceView::La...' is not of type Gtk3::SourceView::Language
our $VERSION = "0.01";sub import {Glib::Object::Introspection->setup(
basename => "GtkSource",
version => "3.0",
package => "Gtk3::SourceView",