Re: Unable To Keep Showing Last Item In Gtk2::TreeView

Williams, James P2 <james p2 williams lmco com> wrote:
How can I keep my automatic scrolling, even after these kinds of events?
Iâve tried reacting to various signals, but the tree view seems too stale
for $tree->get_visible_range() or $tree->scroll_to_cell() to work.
You might react to "size-allocate" events, but a slightly different approach
is necessary. Here's a hack around your test code:

#Glib::Timeout->add( 1000, sub { tickCB($tree) } );
my $mustScroll = 0;
Glib::Timeout->add( 1000, sub { addWord( $tree->get_model ); 1 } );
$tree->signal_connect( size_allocate => sub { showLast($tree) if
$mustScroll } );
    row_inserted => sub {
        my $lastVis = ( $tree->get_visible_range )[1];
        $mustScroll = $lastVis
            && $lastVis->get_indices == $tree->get_model->iter_n_children - 2;


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