RE: From Gtk2::GladeXML to Gtk2::Builder

The module is here

And the xml file here



-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Manning [mailto:elspicyjack gmail com]
Sent: jeudi, 17. novembre 2011 17:14
To: RAPPAZ Francois
Cc: gtk-perl-list gnome org
Subject: Re: From Gtk2::GladeXML to Gtk2::Builder

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 7:36 AM, RAPPAZ Francois
<francois rappaz unifr ch> wrote:
To replace my use of Gtk2::GladeXML with Gtk2::Builder, I tried the
following steps:
With Glade 3.6.4, I saved my glade xml files as Gtkbuilder files.

In my perl scripts, I changed

# $self->{glade_xml_coll} =
Gtk2::GladeXML->new("glade/", 'jrn_coll');
$self->{glade_xml_coll}= Gtk2::Builder->new();

# $self->{glade_xml_coll}->signal_autoconnect_from_package($self);

And all the call with get_wiget(name) were changed to

I got the following warning when I call the add_from_file from the
builder object Gtk-WARNING **: No object called: Âat
forms/ line 22.

Can someone explain me what this warning mean ?

Can you post/pastebin the contents of your Glade XML file
( and the module  There's not enough
context here to determine what is causing that error.



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