Re: Gtk2::FileChooserDialog beahves erratically when files are updated in CWD

--- On Sat, 9/25/10, Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> wrote:

From: Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de>
Subject: Re: Gtk2::FileChooserDialog beahves erratically when files are updated in CWD
To: gtk-perl-list gnome org
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2010, 1:00 PM
On 22.09.2010 20:14, Sergei Steshenko
The problem is that essentially
Gtk2::FileChooserDialog doesn't work when
a file is constantly updated in the chosen from
I can't reproduce this problem with gtk+ 2.20.1 and 2.22.0
on Ubuntu. Which version and platform do you use?
gtk-perl-list mailing list
gtk-perl-list gnome org

I have a self-built gtk+-2.20.1 stack on 32 bits Linux (SUSE-11.1).

Again, there _must_ be file updates in the directory. I.e., say, create
an infinite loop (in a different terminal) which, say, once per second (or
more frequently) performs 'touch' on a file or a number of them.

Or you did this ?

In my case the constantly modified file was a log file of my application.
I worked around the problem by storing the log file in a separate
directory which is _not_ a subdirectory to be listed by
Gtk2::FileChooserDialog - this "solved" the problem.



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