Re: $widget->get_name() and gtk2-perl 1.220+

On 2010/05/18 at 04:38 PM, Ian Chapman <packages amiga-hardware com> wrote:

I have a program using gtkbuilder and Glade3 which takes the names of 
the widgets (as seen in Glade) and builds a hash, with each key 
referencing the corresponding widget, ie

foreach ($builder->get_objects) {
     my $name;
     eval{ $name = $_->get_name(); };
     $gui{$name} = $_ if ($name);

This works as I expected (rightly or wrongly) with v1.203, however for 
v1.220+ the behaviour of $widget->get_name() has been intentionally 
changed and it no longer returns the name of the widget (according to 
Glade), except bizarrely, liststores and a few others. Is there 
equivalent an way of achieving this with V1.220+ without having to 
significantly rewrite my program? In other words, is there another 
method I can use which does much as the same as the old behaviour of 
$widget->get_name(). Thanks.

Few possible reasons:
- if gtk+-2.16, then Gtk2::AboutDialog have get_name() overridden.
- if gtk+-2.18 or 2.20 (can't remember), then its a gtk+ and not gtk2-perl issue.

You can use:


 in general to make sure you get the widget name property, but for builder objects with later gtk+ versions, 
its not really a Gtk2::Widgets, and the name property usually returns an empty string, so you need to use:


Hope that helps.



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