Re: packaging help?

On Apr 18, 2010, at 21:19, Jeremy Volkening wrote:


Hi Jeremy,

I'm wondering if anyone can point me toward a good source of
documentation on packaging applications (build on gtk2-perl) for
Debian-based distros?

Well, the canonical source is the

I keep banging my head against this step of my
application development with no real progress. So far I've followed two
routes in trying to figure this out: a) Reading through as many
tutorials as I can find online about .deb packaging,

Here's one more: Since I wrote it feel free to ask any 
questions you may have.

and b) downloading
source packages of gtk2-perl based apps with "apt-get source <package>"
and examining what others have done. In both cases, I'm a bit
overwhelmed by the fact that everyone seems to go about it differently.

Well, you're smart to read source I think. There is a generally accepted way to build packages, or at least 
one that is widely used in the debian-perl group. That method, roughly, is using dh-make-perl to create 
packages from modules found on CPAN and then following perl policy as far as your app is concerned.

Most online tutorials seem to deal with preparing packages from source,
and while my application and supporting libraries are technically, I
suppose, source code (perl), they don't require compilation or any other
pre-processing steps.

I think you'll find the need to be compiled on different architectures. Plus packages themselves are binaries 
- so they need to be 'compiled.'

I simply need to copy them to the correct
directories, install dependencies (all of which are already available in
the Debian/Ubuntu repositories), and create application menu entries and
MIME associations.

This should be relatively straight forward.

At the moment, I don't need my packages to conform to
standards for the distro repositories, either.

Well, if you want to get your software into the distro, they'll want you to comply with their standards. :)

I simply want to be able
to provide users with a .deb archive from a sourceforge page to simplify
their installation (upload to repositories may come later). I've
actually found it easier so far to put together the installer for the
win32 version than the linux version in which the software is developed.

On a related note, I will need to figure out the correct way for my main
app script to find the extra libraries once they are installed. I
currently have the paths hard-coded into the script like this:

use lib '../libs/'; # extra libs
require BioGTK::RE::Digest;
require BioGTK::RE::Collection;
require BioGTK::RE::Manager;
require BioGTK::App::Prefs;

I suppose I could just change the first line to:

use lib '/usr/local/lib/<app-name>/'

and install the library files to that directory, but is there a better
way to go about this?

Absolutely. You'll have no way of knowing if your users has local::lib installed. Plus, this problem has 
already be solved. If you create a package, you can call in your dependencies and place your package in a 
place where it will be able to find the libraries you rely on with a simply 'use' declaration. This is much 
simpler for your users as well as yourself since you don't need to package your dependencies too - they are 
likely already packaged, and the OS already knows where all its perl libraries are so that solves a lot of 
your problems.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Read the links I've provided, at least the official debian ones, and send email to debian-perl should you run 
into problems - there is usually someone on that list that can help or point you in the right direction when 
packaging perl modules for debian. :)  In general, if you target Debian as your platform for building your 
package, it will install on Debian derivatives as well. More here:



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