Re: Possible row selection interfering with Update

Leave the view in multiple selection mode, and use this instead of get_selected():

  @paths = $selection->get_selected_rows
      Returns the Gtk2::TreePath of each selected row, or an empty list if no
      rows are selected.  The model is not returned, as documented in the C
      API reference.  To get the model, try

So your selection changed code would be

   my @paths = $selection->get_selected_rows ();

   if (@paths == 1) {
       # exactly one selected, display it
       display_row (...);

   } else {
       # either multiple rows selected, or nothing selected.
       # clear the display.
       undisplay (...);
   # or you might want to allow modifying multiple elements
   # at once, so you'd treat @path == 0 and @path > 1 differently

and then the delete key handler would look like this (untested!):

   my $model = $selection->get_tree_view->get_model;

   foreach my $path (reverse $selection->get_selected_rows ()) {
       $model->remove ($model->get_iter ($path));

Thank you so much for all your help on this! It works like a charm!

In update_line() I have done the following:

   # Get selected line number
   my ($model, $iter) = $treeselection->get_selected;
   return unless $iter;

   #my $model = $tv_items->get_model;
   #my $iter = $treeselection->get_selected;

However, now no update occurs.  How should I be implementing this?

Did you set the selection mode at initialization?

Yes, prior to changing the code to using the paths I had:

in my init().

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