Re: Possible row selection interfering with Update

You're changing the selection mode on the first update.  By moving the $treeselect->set_mode('single') line 
from update_line() to init(), i could no longer get the "first time it acts weird" behavior.  Doubtless, 
changing the mode causes the iter to be different.

Thank you for this, however I was hoping to also make it possible for the user to select and delete multiple 
Any recommendations on how to provide this functionality while avoiding the first update behaviour?

I was also getting some warnings on stdout.

*** unhandled exception in callback:
***   variable not allowed to be undef where GtkTreeIter is wanted at line 262.
***  ignoring at line 66.

It's best not to ignore those.  ;-)

Will make sure I chase these up in my main project. :)

After moving the tree selection setup to init, you may be interested in using the two-return form of 
get_selection() and adding error checking:

   my ($model, $iter) = $treeselection->get_selected;
   return unless $iter;

In update_line() I have done the following:

    # Get selected line number
    my ($model, $iter) = $treeselection->get_selected;
    return unless $iter;
    #my $model = $tv_items->get_model;
    #my $iter = $treeselection->get_selected;

However, now no update occurs.  How should I be implementing this?

The lines

   # Update the view

are not actually necessary; if you were swapping out the model to freeze updates, then that would be 
necessary, but you're not, so it's not.  In fact, the set_value calls immediately above are enough to make 
everything Just Work.

Oh, and in connect_signals(), you have each "clicked" handler getting $widget and $event off the stack; but 
there's no $event parameter to the "clicked" signal.

Great stuff.  Thanks very much for the feedback on the other code.  Always like to improve it.


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