Re: Glib::filename_to_unicode bug?

Tadeboro gmail com writes:
Why are you sure this is a bug? 

I'm never sure about anything, including this statement. Obvious !=
sure, to be sure. 

However, it seemed obvious to me because of the following code, which is
done in preparation to pass the filename to a GStreamer element:

  eval { $filename = Glib::filename_to_unicode($foo); }
  if ($@) {
     open(F,"<$foo") || die "Open fails: $!\n";
     die "Open succeeds\n";
This prints "Open succeeds". So Perl can "see" the file just fine.

You'll need to provide more information on what exactly are you doing,
on what system (GNU/Linux, Windows, ...), where and how did you get
your file names ...

Hm. I'm unclear why either of these should matter in what I would expect
to be a simple filename character conversion, but here you go:

This is on FreeBSD 8.0 using perl 5.10.1 with gtk 2.18.7 and glib
2.22.4. The file names are from a public archive of files where ghod
only knows who's written what, so there could very well be malformed
unicode strings in them. I was very deliberate in my choice of test
cases.  Here's one of the offending names, hexdumped:

(16 bytes):3036 3620 4465 6a61 a020 5675 2e6d 3461      066 Deja. Vu.m4a

Does this help?
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave jetcafe org 
The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

When an action is in progress, what counts is the correct
operation of that action. Under these circumstances,
external evaluaion becomes a secondary concern.

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