Patch GtkPrintOperation 2.16


Here's the patch for upgrading GtkPintOperation to Gtk 2.16.

The two new methods are really tricky as set_defer_drawing() has to be called from the signal callback 'draw-page' and draw_page_finish() will cause segmentation fault if set_defer_drawing() isn't called previously.

I've documented this in the XS through POD.

Index: xs/GtkPrintOperation.xs
--- xs/GtkPrintOperation.xs     (revision 2111)
+++ xs/GtkPrintOperation.xs     (working copy)
@@ -94,6 +94,33 @@
 void gtk_print_operation_cancel (GtkPrintOperation *op);
+#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 15, 0)
+=for apidoc
+=for signature $op->draw_page_finish ()
+The method draw_page_finish() can only be called if the method
+set_defer_drawing() has been called previously otherwise a segmentation fault
+will occur. This means that the application will crash and even an eval will not
+be able to recover from that error.
+void gtk_print_operation_draw_page_finish (GtkPrintOperation *op);
+=for apidoc
+=for signature $op->set_defer_drawing ()
+The method set_defer_drawing() can only be called from the callback
+void gtk_print_operation_set_defer_drawing (GtkPrintOperation *op);
+#endif /* 2.16 */
 MODULE = Gtk2::PrintOperation  PACKAGE = Gtk2::Print   PREFIX = gtk_print_
 # GtkPageSetup * gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog (GtkWindow *parent, GtkPageSetup *page_setup, 
GtkPrintSettings *settings);
Index: t/GtkPrintOperation.t
--- t/GtkPrintOperation.t       (revision 2111)
+++ t/GtkPrintOperation.t       (working copy)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
 use Gtk2::TestHelper
-  tests => 10,
+  tests => 13,
   at_least_version => [2, 10, 0, "GtkPrintOperation is new in 2.10"];
 # $Id$
@@ -51,8 +51,40 @@
 # FIXME: Don't know how to trigger an actual error.
 # warn $op -> get_error();
+SKIP: {
+  skip 'draw page finish (2.16)', 3
+    unless Gtk2->CHECK_VERSION(2, 15, 0);
+       # NOTE draw_page_finish() has to be called under the right conditions
+       #      otherwise the print context doesn't seem to be setup properly causing
+       #      the program to crash with a segmentation fault.
+       #
+       #      This is tricky as draw_page_finish() must be called if
+       #      set_defer_drawing() is called and the latter can be called only from
+       #      the 'draw-page' callback.
+  # 'draw-page' is called twice because there are 2 pages see (get_op)
+       $op = get_op();
+       $op -> signal_connect('draw-page' => sub {
+               # Pretend that the drawing is asynchronous.
+               $op -> set_defer_drawing();
+               # Finish the drawing latter
+               Glib::Idle->add(sub {
+                       ok(TRUE, "Draw page finish called"); # Called 2 times
+                       $op -> draw_page_finish();
+               });
+       });
+       ok(defined $op -> run("export", Gtk2::Window -> new()));
 unlink "test.pdf";
 # Can't non-interactively test these, I think.  I manually verified that they

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