Re: GtkBindingSet etc

Kevin Ryde wrote:
I got to this point on entry_add_signal.  It means you can populate
bindings from program code.  See if the docs are as clear as mud.

Looks great to me. Here's a patch that incorporates all your changes. It also shuffles things around a bit.

A few small nits:

• Why call the set_name accessor just "name"? The "set_" part might be redundant, but that's what it's called everywhere else.

• gtk_bindings_activate_event, gtk_binding_entry_skip, gtk_binding_entry_remove, and gtk_binding_entry_add_signal are untested. I tried tackling gtk_bindings_activate_event but I couldn't get it to do anything.

I filed a bug about gtk_binding_entry_add_signall being deprecated: <>.

I don't want to much for field accessors, not initially.  So the only
outstanding point would be whether add_path() should take
GtkPathPriorityType enum strings, or integer values, or both.  I think a
priority() field accessor would return an integer, so add_path() might
want to accept an integer, whatever else it does or doesn't do.  (The
point as before being that not all possible values are covered by the
enum members ...)

I think I'd prefer the integer-only approach to handling GtkPathPriorityType: accept and return only integers, and provide constants akin to G_PRIORITY_*.
Index: gtk2perl.h
--- gtk2perl.h  (revision 2134)
+++ gtk2perl.h  (working copy)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
- * full list)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004, 2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS
+ * for the full list)
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
   GType gtk2perl_gdk_region_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+/* custom GType for GtkBindingSet */
+# define GTK_TYPE_BINDING_SET (gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type ())
+  GType gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
 /* custom GType for PangoAttribute */
 # define PANGO_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE (gtk2perl_pango_attribute_get_type ())
--- MANIFEST    (revision 2134)
+++ MANIFEST    (working copy)
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ t/GtkArrow.t
@@ -373,6 +374,7 @@ xs/GtkArrow.xs
Index: xs_files-2.0
--- xs_files-2.0        (revision 2134)
+++ xs_files-2.0        (working copy)
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ xs/GtkAlignment.xs
Index: Makefile.PL
--- Makefile.PL (revision 2134)
+++ Makefile.PL (working copy)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ use Cwd;
 our %build_reqs = (
        'perl-ExtUtils-Depends'   => '0.300',
        'perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig' => '1.030',
-       'perl-Glib'               => '1.200', # FIXME: 1.212 for precompiled headers
+       'perl-Glib'               => '1.212', # FIXME: 1.220
        'perl-Pango'              => '1.210',
        'perl-Cairo'              => '1.000',
        'Gtk+'                    => '2.0.0',
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
 print <<__EOW__;
    This is an unstable development release of Gtk2.  The API is not
    frozen and things are subject to change at any time.  Report any
    bugs to gtk-perl-list AT gnome DOT org as soon as possible.
-   Please use the 1.18x series for important work.
+   Please use the 1.20x series for important work.
Index: xs/GtkBindings.xs
--- xs/GtkBindings.xs   (revision 0)
+++ xs/GtkBindings.xs   (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS)
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "gtk2perl.h"
+/* GtkBindingSet is struct treated here as a boxed type.  As of Gtk 2.12
+   there's no GType for it, so that's created here, with a #ifndef in
+   gtk2perl.h in case gtk gains it later.
+   Once created a GtkBindingSet is never destroyed, so no distinction
+   between "own" and "copy".  */
+static GtkBindingSet *
+gtk2perl_binding_set_copy (GtkBindingSet *binding_set)
+       /* no copying */
+       return binding_set;
+static void
+gtk2perl_binding_set_free (GtkBindingSet *binding_set)
+       /* no freeing */
+gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type (void)
+       static GType binding_set_type = 0;
+       if (binding_set_type == 0)
+               binding_set_type = g_boxed_type_register_static
+                       ("Gtk2perlBindingSet",
+                        (GBoxedCopyFunc) gtk2perl_binding_set_copy,
+                        (GBoxedFreeFunc) gtk2perl_binding_set_free);
+       return binding_set_type;
+MODULE = Gtk2::BindingSet      PACKAGE = Gtk2::BindingSet      PREFIX = gtk_binding_set_
+=for position DESCRIPTION
+A C<Gtk2::BindingSet> is basically a mapping from keys (ie. keyboard
+keystrokes) to named signals (action signals) which are to be invoked when
+the user presses such a key.
+Most of the time you can create binding sets just with RC files,
+including C<< Gtk2::Rc->parse_string >> etc from within a program,
+then the default C<Gtk2::Widget> handler for C<key_press_event> puts
+the key through the bindings for the class.  But you can create extra
+binding sets for special purposes, or invoke bindings for keys etc
+from unusual places.
+When creating bindings with C<Gtk2::Rc> bear in mind that as of Gtk
+2.12 the rc mechanism doesn't actually parse until someone is
+interested in the result, for example the C<Gtk2::Settings> for
+widgets.  This means binding sets in rc files or strings don't exist
+for C<< Gtk2::BindingSet->find >> to retrieve until at least one
+widget has been created (or similar).
+## field accessor
+gchar *
+name (binding_set)
+       GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+    CODE:
+       RETVAL = binding_set->set_name;
+    OUTPUT:
+       RETVAL
+## This would return an integer, rather than a GtkPathPriorityType
+## enum string.  That's probably pretty reasonable, and certainly most
+## helpful if you're going to sort by priority, etc, but give it a
+## little thought just yet ...
+## field accessor
+## gint
+## priority (binding_set)
+##     GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+##    CODE:
+##     RETVAL = binding_set->priority
+##    OUTPUT:
+##     RETVAL
+## GtkBindingSet* gtk_binding_set_new (const gchar *set_name)
+## set_name is copied, so doesnt need to live beyond the call
+GtkBindingSet_own* gtk_binding_set_new (class, set_name)
+       const gchar *set_name
+    C_ARGS:
+       set_name
+##GtkBindingSet* gtk_binding_set_by_class (gpointer object_class)
+gtk_binding_set_by_class (class, package_name)
+       const char *package_name
+       GType type;
+       GtkObjectClass *oclass;
+    CODE:
+       /* ENHANCE-ME: do GtkObjectClass* through the typemap */
+       type = gperl_object_type_from_package (package_name);
+       if (! type)
+               croak ("package %s is not registered to a GType",
+                      package_name);
+       if (! g_type_is_a (type, GTK_TYPE_OBJECT))
+               croak ("'%s' is not an object subclass", package_name);
+       oclass = (GtkObjectClass*) g_type_class_ref (type);
+       RETVAL = gtk_binding_set_by_class (oclass);
+       g_type_class_unref (oclass);
+    OUTPUT:
+       RETVAL
+## GtkBindingSet* gtk_binding_set_find (const gchar *set_name)
+GtkBindingSet_ornull* gtk_binding_set_find (class, set_name)
+       const gchar *set_name
+    C_ARGS:
+       set_name
+gtk_binding_set_activate (binding_set, keyval, modifiers, object)
+     GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+     guint keyval
+     GdkModifierType modifiers
+     GtkObject *object
+## Could helpfully take priority values also as integers, since the enum values
+## don't cover the whole 0 to 15 range.
+gtk_binding_set_add_path (binding_set, path_type, path_pattern, priority)
+     GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+     GtkPathType path_type
+     const gchar *path_pattern
+     GtkPathPriorityType priority
+MODULE = Gtk2::BindingSet      PACKAGE = Gtk2::BindingSet      PREFIX = gtk_binding_
+gtk_binding_entry_skip (binding_set, keyval, modifiers)
+     GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+     guint keyval
+     GdkModifierType modifiers
+## Since gtk_binding_entry_clear() is deprecated, we leave it out.
+## void
+## gtk_binding_entry_clear (binding_set, keyval, modifiers)
+##     GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+##     guint keyval
+##     GdkModifierType modifiers
+gtk_binding_entry_remove (binding_set, keyval, modifiers)
+       GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+       guint keyval
+       GdkModifierType modifiers
+## entry_add_signal() is the programmatic way to add a binding set
+## entry with a keystroke and the signal to emit.
+## The tricky bit is that the arguments to the signal must have types
+## decided at this point, ie. int, float, string, identifier, etc.
+## It's no good to look at the signal for what the argument types will
+## be, since it can be emitted on any class, even classes which don't
+## exist yet.
+## The list style "_signall" version is best here, rather than the
+## varargs "_signal".  "_signall" is marked as "deprecated" which of
+## course is not a word but in this case means "useful feature taken
+## away".
+## void gtk_binding_entry_add_signall (GtkBindingSet *binding_set,
+##                                     guint keyval,
+##                                     GdkModifierType modifiers,
+##                                     const gchar *signal_name,
+##                                     GSList *binding_args);
+## void gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (GtkBindingSet *binding_set,
+##                                    guint keyval,
+##                                    GdkModifierType modifiers,
+##                                    const gchar *signal_name,
+##                                    guint n_args,
+##                                    ...);
+=for apidoc
+=for signature $binding_set->entry_add_signal (keyval, modifiers, signal_name, type, value, ...)
+=for arg type (string)
+=for arg value (scalar)
+=for arg ... (__hide__)
+Add an entry to $binding_set.  $keyval and $modifier are setup to
+invoke $signal_name, with signal parameters given by the $value
+arguments.  Each value is preceded by a type (a string), which must be
+one of
+    Glib::Long
+    Glib::Double
+    Glib::String
+    an enum type, ie. subtype of Glib::Enum
+    Glib::Flags, or a flags subtype
+For example,
+    $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+        (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('Return'),
+         [ 'control-mask' ],   # modifiers
+         'some-signal-name',
+         'Glib::Double', 1.5,
+         'Glib::String,  'hello');
+A parameter holds one of the three types Long, Double and String.
+When invoked they're coerced to the parameter types expected by the
+target object or widget.  Use Glib::Long for any integer argument,
+including chars and unichars by ordinal value.  Use Glib::Double for
+both single and double precision floats.
+Flags and enums are held as Longs in the BindingSet.  You can pass an
+enum type and string and C<entry_with_signal> will lookup and store
+accordingly.  For example
+    $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+        (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('Escape'), [],
+         'set-direction',
+         'Gtk2::Orientation', 'vertical');
+Likewise flags from an arrayref,
+    $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+        (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('d'), [],
+         'initiate-drag',
+         'Gtk2::Gdk::DragAction', ['move,'ask']);
+If you've got a Glib::Flags object, rather than just an arrayref, then
+you can just give Glib::Flags as the type and the value is taken from
+the object.  For example,
+    my $flags = Gtk2::DebugFlag->new (['tree', 'updates']);
+    $binding_set->entry_add_signal
+        (Gtk2->keyval_from_name('x'), ['control-mask'],
+         'change-debug',
+         'Glib::Flags', $flags);
+gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set, keyval, modifiers, signal_name, ...)
+       GtkBindingSet *binding_set
+       guint keyval
+       GdkModifierType modifiers
+       const gchar *signal_name
+       const int first_argnum = 4;
+       int count, i;
+       GSList *binding_args = NULL;
+       GtkBindingArg *ap;
+    CODE:
+       count = (items - first_argnum);
+       if ((count % 2) != 0) {
+               croak ("entry_add_signal expects type,value pairs "
+                      "(odd number of arguments detected)");
+       }
+       count /= 2;
+       ap = g_new (GtkBindingArg, count);
+       for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) {
+               SV *sv_type  = ST(i + first_argnum);
+               SV *sv_value = ST(i + first_argnum + 1);
+               GType gtype  = gperl_type_from_package(SvPV_nolen(sv_type));
+                /* gtype==G_TYPE_NONE for sv_type not registered will fall
+                 * through to the default
+                */
+               switch (G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL (gtype)) {
+               case G_TYPE_LONG:
+                       ap[i].d.long_data = SvIV(sv_value);
+                       break;
+               case G_TYPE_DOUBLE:
+                       ap[i].d.double_data = SvNV(sv_value);
+                       break;
+               case G_TYPE_STRING:
+                       /* GTK_TYPE_IDENTIFIER comes through here, but
+                        * believe that's only a hangover from gtk 1.2 and
+                        * needs no special attention.
+                        */
+                       /* gtk copies the string */
+                       ap[i].d.string_data = SvPV_nolen(sv_value);
+                       break;
+               /* helpers converting to the three basic types ... */
+               case G_TYPE_ENUM:
+                       /* coerce enum to long */
+                       ap[i].d.long_data = gperl_convert_enum(gtype,sv_value);
+                       gtype = G_TYPE_LONG;
+                       break;
+               case G_TYPE_FLAGS:
+                       /* coerce flags to long */
+                       ap[i].d.long_data = gperl_convert_flags(gtype,sv_value);
+                       gtype = G_TYPE_LONG;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       g_slist_free (binding_args);
+                        g_free (ap);
+                       croak ("Unrecognised argument type '%s'",
+                               SvPV_nolen(sv_type));
+               }
+               ap[i].arg_type = gtype;
+               binding_args = g_slist_append (binding_args, &(ap[i]));
+       }
+       gtk_binding_entry_add_signall (binding_set, keyval, modifiers,
+                                      signal_name, binding_args);
+       g_slist_free (binding_args);
+       g_free (ap);
+MODULE = Gtk2::BindingSet      PACKAGE = Gtk2::Object  PREFIX = gtk_
+=for apidoc
+Although C<activate> and C<activate_event> are C<Gtk2::Object>
+methods, as of Gtk 2.12 they will only actually invoke signals on a
+C<Gtk2::Widget>.  On a C<Gtk2::Object> the return is always false (no
+binding activated).
+gtk_bindings_activate (object, keyval, modifiers)
+       GtkObject *object
+       guint keyval
+       GdkModifierType modifiers
+gtk_bindings_activate_event (object, event)
+       GtkObject *object
+       GdkEvent *event
+       GdkEventType type;
+       type = event->type;
+       if (type != GDK_KEY_PRESS && type != GDK_KEY_RELEASE)
+               croak ("Event must be key-press or key-release");
+       RETVAL = gtk_bindings_activate_event (object, (GdkEventKey*) event);
+       RETVAL
Index: maps-2.0
--- maps-2.0    (revision 2134)
+++ maps-2.0    (working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
-# full list)
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2004, 2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for
+# the full list)
 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 # the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -340,3 +340,5 @@ GTK_TYPE_WRAP_MODE  GtkWrapMode     GEnum   Gtk
 # not really defined by GTK+, but we'll use it for ourselves.
 GDK_TYPE_REGION        GdkRegion       GBoxed  Gtk2::Gdk::Region
+GTK_TYPE_BINDING_SET   GtkBindingSet   GBoxed  Gtk2::BindingSet
Index: t/GtkBindings.t
--- t/GtkBindings.t     (revision 0)
+++ t/GtkBindings.t     (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Copyright 2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS)
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, see <>.
+package My::Object;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Gtk2;
+use Glib::Object::Subclass
+  'Gtk2::Object',
+  signals => { mysig => { parameter_types => [],
+                          return_type => undef,
+                          flags => ['run-last','action'],
+                          class_closure => \&do_mysig },
+             };
+my $mysig_seen;
+sub do_mysig {
+  Test::More::diag ("mysig runs");
+  $mysig_seen = 1;
+package My::Widget;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Gtk2;
+use Glib::Object::Subclass
+  'Gtk2::Widget',
+  signals => { mywidgetsig => { parameter_types => [],
+                          return_type => undef,
+                          flags => ['run-last','action'],
+                          class_closure => \&do_mywidgetsig },
+             };
+my $mywidgetsig_seen;
+sub do_mywidgetsig {
+  Test::More::diag ("mywidgetsig runs");
+  $mywidgetsig_seen = 1;
+package main;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Gtk2::TestHelper tests => 11;
+# new()
+my $mybindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->new('mybindings');
+ok ($mybindings, 'new()');
+# name() field accessor
+is ($mybindings->name, 'mybindings',
+    'name() of mybindings');
+# find()
+ok (Gtk2::BindingSet->find('mybindings'),
+    'find() mybindings');
+is (Gtk2::BindingSet->find('nosuchbindingset'), undef,
+    'find() not found');
+# by_class()
+ok (Gtk2::BindingSet->by_class('Gtk2::Entry'),
+    'by_class() Gtk2::Entry');
+# activate()
+# The rc mechanism doesn't actually parse anything or create any
+# GtkBindingSet's until one or more GtkSettings objects exist and are
+# interested in the rc values.  Create a dummy label widget to force that to
+# happen and thus ensure creation of the "some_bindings" set.
+my $dummy_label = Gtk2::Label->new;
+Gtk2::Rc->parse_string (<<'HERE');
+binding "some_bindings" {
+  bind "Return" { "mysig" () }
+  my $some_bindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->find('some_bindings');
+  ok ($some_bindings, 'find() of RC parsed bindings');
+  my $myobj = My::Object->new;
+  $mysig_seen = 0;
+  ok ($some_bindings->activate (Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return'),
+                                [],$myobj),
+      'activate() return true on myobj');
+  is ($mysig_seen, 1, 'activate() runs mysig on myobj');
+# add_path() and bindings_activate()
+Gtk2::Rc->parse_string (<<'HERE');
+binding "my_widget_bindings" {
+  bind "Return" { "mywidgetsig" () }
+# As of Gtk 2.12 $gtkobj->bindings_activate() only actually works on a
+# Gtk2::Widget, not a Gtk2::Object, hence My::Widget to exercise add_path()
+# instead of My::Object.
+  my $my_widget_bindings = Gtk2::BindingSet->find('my_widget_bindings');
+  ok ($my_widget_bindings, 'find() of RC parsed bindings');
+  $my_widget_bindings->add_path ('widget-class', 'My__Widget', 'application');
+  my $mywidget = My::Widget->new;
+  $mywidgetsig_seen = 0;
+  ok ($mywidget->bindings_activate (Gtk2::Gdk->keyval_from_name('Return'), []),
+      'bindings_activate() return true on mywidget');
+  is ($mywidgetsig_seen, 1,
+      'bindings_activate() runs mywidgetsig on mywidget');
+exit 0;

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