Re: Combo Box Setup

Jeff Hallock wrote:

|   PROJECT TITLE                       | \/ |
|   PROJECT TITLE                            |
|     Brief Description                      |
|   PROJECT TITLE                            |
|     Brief Description                      |

I was going to answer: use a custom cell renderer that behaves differently depending on whether $combo_box->get('popup-shown') is true or not. As in the attached example.

Unfortunately, popup-shown is still false when the relevant GET_SIZE() calls are made on the renderer, so this approach doesn't work. So, I see no way to achieve what you want.

package CustomRenderer;

use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Gtk2;

use Glib::Object::Subclass
        properties => [
                Glib::ParamSpec->object ('combo-box', 'Combo Box',
                                         'The combo box for which we are rendering',
                                         Gtk2::ComboBox::, ['readable', 'writable']),
                Glib::ParamSpec->string ('extra-text', 'Extra Text',
                                         'The extra text to display in the popup',
                                         undef, ['readable', 'writable']),

use constant xpad => 3;
use constant ypad => 2;

sub calc_size {
        my ($cell, $layout) = @_;
        my ($w, $h) = $layout->get_pixel_size;
        return (0, 0, $w + xpad * 2, $h + ypad * 2);

sub get_text {
        my ($cell) = @_;
        if ($cell->get ('combo-box')->get ('popup-shown')) {
                return $cell->get ('text') . "\n" . $cell->get ('extra-text');
        } else {
                return $cell->get ('text');

sub get_layout {
        my ($cell, $widget) = @_;
        return $cell->{layout} if defined $cell->{layout};
        return $cell->{layout} = $widget->create_pango_layout ("");

sub GET_SIZE {
        my ($cell, $widget, $area) = @_;
        warn "GET_SIZE: ", $cell->get ('combo-box')->get ('popup-shown'), "\n";
        my $layout = $cell->get_layout ($widget);
        $layout->set_text ($cell->get_text ());
        return $cell->calc_size ($layout);

sub RENDER {
        my ($cell, $drawable, $widget, $background_area, $cell_area, $expose_area, $flags) = @_;
        warn "RENDER: ", $cell->get ('combo-box')->get ('popup-shown'), "\n";
        my $state = 'normal';

        if ($flags & 'selected') {
                $state = $widget->has_focus
                       ? 'selected'
                       : 'active';
        } else {
                $state = $widget->state eq 'insensitive'
                       ? 'insensitive'
                       : 'normal';

        my $layout = $cell->get_layout ($widget);
        $layout->set_text ($cell->get_text ());
        my ($xoff, $yoff, $width, $height) = $cell->calc_size ($layout);

        $widget->get_style->paint_layout ($drawable,
                                          1, $cell_area,
                                          $widget, "cellrenderertext",
                                          $cell_area->x + $xoff + xpad,
                                          $cell_area->y + $yoff + ypad,

package main;

use Gtk2 -init;

my $model = Gtk2::ListStore->new (qw/Glib::String Glib::String/);
foreach (grep /gtk-go/, Gtk2::Stock->list_ids) {
        $model->set ($model->append, 0 => $_, 1 => uc $_);
my $combo = Gtk2::ComboBox->new ($model);
my $renderer = CustomRenderer->new ('combo-box' => $combo);
$combo->pack_start ($renderer, FALSE);
$combo->set_attributes ($renderer, text => 0, extra_text => 1);

my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
$window->add ($combo);


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