Re: buildable interface testers error

On Nov 1, 2008, at 2:21 PM, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:

muppet wrote:
The obvious scenario that comes to mind is a hosed registration order. Is there any value in worrying about deferred initialization? I don't think so, as you're typically doing instantiation after initialization has finished, but we have ways of breaking that assumption.

I don't quite understand what you mean here. In gperl_register_object we force interfaces to finish loading immediately. So right after 'use Gtk2', all interfaces should be registered properly. Oh, do you mean this kind of setup?

[load Gtk2 after trying to use it]

Yeah, that triggers the warning.  But I think that's fair.

That's the gist, yes. There are interesting scenarios, usually involving eval and other ways to defer execution of "use", that create hard-to-debug problems. In most cases, this wizardry is a bad idea. All i'm really interested in is making sure we provide a clue.

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