Putting text with links in a TreeView

Hi all,

so if one wants to create a Label that contains links, that can
easily be done using Gtk2::Sexy. It gives you an expanded form of
Pango markup that features `<a href>` tags and renders them as
your theme demands, and when the user clicks on such a link you
get a callback that gets passed the `href` value. Terrific.

But what I actually want to do is render a ListStore where one of
the columns contains a text that may include links. So I need
some kind of GtkCellRenderer rather than a GtkLabel subclass.

Libsexy has no such thing.

Is there a way I can easily repurpose the libsexy implementation
for a TreeView short of cracking open the source to find out how
libsexy does it and copying the concept?

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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