Re: [Fwd: Client Services crash logs]

On May 27, 2008, at 1:09 AM, Daniel Kasak wrote:

I just got emailed this crash log from an internal app.

Can anyone make head or tail of the cause? I'm no good with
backtraces ...

Error Log:
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/ share/perl5/DBD/ line 232. Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/ share/perl5/DBD/ line 232. Column 'AcctNoID' cannot be null at .client_services/forms/ line 5801. *** glibc detected *** perl: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0b0d5b30 ***

The "glibc detected" message usually comes from inside malloc() when it detects heap corruption. In fact, your backtrace agrees:

======= Backtrace: =========

Crash inside a malloc helper function...


called from inside pixman...


deep inside cairo...


called by a theme engine from an expose handler.

But, since it's heap corruption, the actual location of the crash isn't really all that relevant. This is where glibc stumbled across the broken heap structures, not when the problem actually occurred. Your first warning signs are the perl messages, first from SQLite and then from your app. Clearly, there's an uninitialized value in use, and depending on what all that code does, that can result in strange things happening.

me, while driving the car: Okay, girls, what do you want for lunch?
yvonne: I wan' noo-tulls!
zella: I want lavaloli!  Can we go to the lavaloli store?
me: Um, where *is* the ravioli store?
zella: At the lavaloli store!
yvonne: I want noo-tulls!  Let's go to the noo-tull store!

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