Re: Label and url link to webpage.

On May 26, 2008, at 2:07 PM, kobi_tk interia pl wrote:

I recently started learning gtk2-perl.
I write now easy app and I stuck in one places.
I think it is silly and easy but I couldn't find solution.
I want to add to label (or another widget) text which will be a html url
to webpage. When user click it url will be open in default browser. I
tried to add a html tags (<a href> tag) to label but it doesn't work.
Is there any easy and fast way to add such url which will be open in web
browser ?
The widget to do this is here:

But that doesn't handle actually opening the URL, that just invokes a global hook function. How you handle the URL depends on your environment.
For a gnome system that will be something like

    Gtk2::LinkButton->set_uri_hook (sub {
            my ($button, $uri) = @_;

            system "gnome-open '$uri' &";

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