Creating re from computed values

I am trying to create a regular expression for an if statement from
computed values passed to the sub-routine as follows

sub get_list {
my ($black_list,$table,$crit)= _;

# $crit is a hash reference containing key to search and search expression
my $listings;

my @crit='$guide{$guides}->{'."'".'del'."'".'}!~1' ; # common criteria
for all calls to function
foreach my $keys (keys %{$crit}){
push @crit,'{'."'".$keys."'".'}=~'.$crit->{$keys};
my $crit1=join ' or ',@crit;

foreach my $guides (sort {$guide{$a}->{'start'} <=>
$guide{$b}->{'start'}} keys %guide){
 if $crit1;

# this is the problem rather than searching on the value of
$guide{$guides}-> it prints it out as a literal


return 1

Is what I am trying to do possible? - ie: taking a list of fields to
seach and associated criteria and feeding this into a if statement
(the values come from lookups determined via combobox values

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