Re: OFF-TOPIC: Perl...

--- Juan José 'Peco' San Martín <peco microbotica es> wrote:

Many thanks for your thoughts (Sergei and Chris).

I'm not looking for a "lang for all", but I'm afraid about Perl... IMHO,
it needs a good push to jump into the 'new technologies' because other
languages (in most of the cases, not as good as Perl) are addressing
this gap.

Thank you,

"needs a good push" <-> "in most of the cases, not as good as Perl" :-).

Let me put it this way - many people simply didn't have enough ... guts to really
understand Perl.

For example, from a forum I recently discovered Python does not have built-in
multidimensional arrays.

Where Perl really excels is data structures, which along with scoping are a very
elegant way to achieve readability, debuggability, modularization.

And probably Perl is the best WRT regular expression - PCRE has become a de-facto
standard of non-Perl application because the latter strive to be like Perl.

If you are interested, I can cook up some examples - typically other languages
fail miserably when people try to reimplement the same things in them.


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