Re: GtkGC shared auto-release

On Jan 14, 2008, at 7:59 PM, Kevin Ryde wrote:

Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> writes:
+  my $two = Gtk2::GC -> get(32, $colormap, $values);
+  Gtk2::GC -> get(32, $colormap, $values);
+  Gtk2::GC -> get(32, $colormap, $values);
+ # Gtk2::GC -> release($two) should now be called three times, but how do we
+  # verify that?

Too few releases should leave the pool with a ref on the GC, so perhaps
keep only a weakened copy of the GC and check that goes undef when the
pool lets go.

This is not easy to test. GCs are GObjects, not GtkObjects, so we don't get a "destroy" signal. You need g_object_weak_ref() to get destruction notifications on plain GObjects. Unfortunately, Glib does not bind the weakref stuff for technical reasons (how do you map between the scalar and the GObject without creating a potential crash?), and from what i can tell, stuff like Devel::WeakRef and Test::Weaken is not part of the perl core. That would make the testing a little difficult.

I did, however, use g_object_weak_ref() in my XS code, with a callback that simply prints the dead pointer value, to verify that the GC objects do, in fact, go away at the right time.

Some quick experiments with using a normal perl object, stored in the Gtk2::GC's wrapper hash, as a destroy notifier were frustrating, as the objects seemed to live too long.

So this new album took us quite a while, to get it together, to find a title and things like that - and we were travelling quite a bit - we made a few sort of gestures in the East, and a few gestures in the West, and then we got thrown out because of our gestures - this is something that we decided was an apt title for a thing that's called 'The Song Remains The Same'.
  -- Robert Plant, rambling to introduce a song

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