Re: Gtk2 1.172 (unstable) available

Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> writes:

* Make Gtk2::CellLayout::set_attributes() properly clear all previous

Actually, is there a missing arg in the croak message in that func (from
way back when):

--- GtkCellLayout.xs    10 Jan 2008 09:51:08 +1100      1.9
+++ GtkCellLayout.xs    10 Jan 2008 09:54:04 +1100      
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
        gint i;
        if (items < 2 || 0 != (items - 2) % 2)
-               croak ("usage: $cell_layout->set_attributes (name => column, ...)\n"
+               croak ("usage: $cell_layout->set_attributes ($cell, name => column, ...)\n"
                       "   expecting a list of name => column pairs"); 
        gtk_cell_layout_clear_attributes (cell_layout, cell);
        for (i = 2 ; i < items ; i+=2) {

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