Re: dialog response signal class closure

muppet <scott asofyet org> writes:

The problem you are seeing results from the fact that user callbacks
(e.g.  $dialog->signal_connect (...)) go through the function
gperl_signal_connect(), which checks with the registry of custom
marshalers, while using a class closure through

I thought it had to be something like that, wasn't sure if the two were
meant to take the same route.

    return $self->signal_chain_from_overridden ($resp);

causes the warning

    Argument "ok" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at response- line 17.

I didn't think of that.

Now, one other caveat is that you're returning the value from chaining
up in a signal that returns no value and doesn't have an
implementation in the parent.  So, you don't actually need to chain up
from "response".

Ah yes.  That was sorta to preserve default behaviour like "delete-event
destroy by default", but I see that magic comes under the delete-event
event handler, rather than the response handler as such.

So, it's apparent that overriding the marshaler causes problems for
signal_chain_from_overridden().  I'm not really sure how we missed
that before.  A proper fix for this likely involves having a custom
"chain marshaler" to bookend with the custom signal marshaler, and
setting up signal_chain_from_overridden() to look for these.

g_signal_get_invocation_hint gives the current active signal does it, to
know what/how to "unmarshall".

- do the somewhat dirty signal_connect-to-self-in-INIT_INSTANCE so
that the custom marshaler fires, OR

Yep.  That's where I started, then realized a class default ought to be

  unless you don't mind simply requiring bindings new enough not to
have the problem.

That'd be ok, in the fullness of time.

- define a special set of positive values as custom return codes for
your module's dialog, and use those constants in both your class
closure and in external handlers connected to the response signal.
This one is kinda icky.

I guess it's not too nice if anyone wants to hook the signal or further
subclass and has to put up with non-standard numbers for standard
looking buttons.  Though in what I'm tinkering with that's both unlikely
and anyway I've already got a couple of buttons like "refresh" with
their own numbers where none of the GtkResponseType names correspond.

If I'm interested in delete-event I probably have know what that's going
to come back as in any case, since it comes out of gtk rather than a
specified button id of course.  (Some dialog classes I want to hide on
delete/close and some should destroy.)

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