Re: Goo::Canvas, how to delete an item

On Aug 3, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:

zentara wrote:

I admit, that a Gnome2::Canvas::Item inherits from Gtk2::Object, which also contains a destroy method, but shouldn't the Glib::Object destroy
be found?

Since I don't know much about either canvas, I can't really help. But:
Glib::Object has no destroy method.

GtkObject adds the destroy signal to GObject, and GtkWidgets use that destroy signal.

GnomeCanvas was created before GObject was split out in the 2.x stuff, so it uses GtkObject as its base, and therefore has the destroy signal.

It looks like GooCanvas is trying to be a good GObject citizen. GooCanvasItem is just an interface, and the implementors of that interface are just GObjects. So, in theory, when you get rid of the last reference to a canvas item, it should go away. That would require removing it from its parent.

In fact, the documentation for goo_canvas_group_new() says:

the parent item, or NULL. If a parent is specified, it will assume ownership of the item, and the item will automatically be freed when it is removed from the parent. Otherwise call g_object_unref() to free it.

So this new album took us quite a while, to get it together, to find a title and things like that - and we were travelling quite a bit - we made a few sort of gestures in the East, and a few gestures in the West, and then we got thrown out because of our gestures - this is something that we decided was an apt title for a thing that's called 'The Song Remains The Same'.
  -- Robert Plant, rambling to introduce a song

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