Re: Gtk2 Treeview/Simplelist and set_tooltip_row()

On Apr 24, 2008, at 11:13 AM, Paul Miller wrote:

Is there some trick to getting
$a_simple_list->set_tooltip_row($tip, $path); to work?

It seems like it should let me add a non-deprecated tooltip to a
row of a treeview, but I can't get it to work.

I suspect I'm missing something simple or that it's quite a bit
harder than I think it should be.


(I posted this question on perlmonks also, the full source of my
problem demo is here:;displaytype=displaycode;node_id=682039;part=1)

Close. You were on the right track, but just needed to go a little further. You don't create a Tooltip object, gtk+ will create it for you, and ask you to set it up.

Here's your program again, but with working tooltips.

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Gtk2 '-init';
use Gtk2::SimpleList;

use constant TRUE  => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;

$categories = Gtk2::SimpleList->new ('Categories' => 'text');
@{$categories->{data}} = qw/Meat Beer Pizza Pasta Soda Juice Rabbitfood/;

# This turns on the tooltip event monitoring in the widget...

# Tooltip event monitoring causes the query-tooltip signal to be emitted.
$categories->signal_connect (query_tooltip => sub {
    my ($widget, $x, $y, $keyboard_mode, $tooltip) = @_;

    # First, find out where the pointer is:
    $path = $categories->get_path_at_pos ($x, $y);

    # If we're not pointed at a row, then return FALSE to say
    # "don't show a tip".
    return FALSE unless $path;

    # Otherwise, ask the TreeView to set up the tip's area according
    # to the row's rectangle.
    $categories->set_tooltip_row($tooltip, $path);

    # And then load it up with some meaningful text.  This is much
    # more interesting when you have columns that aren't visible,
    # or the TreeView is too narrow to see all of your column.
    my $index = ($path->get_indices)[0];
    $tooltip->set_text(${ $categories->{data} }[$index][0]);

    # Return true to say "show the tip".
    return TRUE;

$window = Gtk2::Window->new;
$window->set_title ('SimpleList examples');
$window->signal_connect (delete_event => sub {Gtk2->main_quit; TRUE});



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us:  What?
zella (still crying):  I want...  something!

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