Re: Gtk2::Assistant: Access to Buttons

On Jul 3, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:

On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 18:21 +0200, Peter Daum wrote:

To make usage as convenient as possible, I would like the return key to always do the next logical step (focus the next entry field or trigger the "forward"
The first thing to come to mind is to be sure to set activates- 
default on the Entries you add to your Assistant (it appears from  
your code snippet that you did that already), and then set the  
Forward button to be the default.  But, there's no way to get to the  
Forward button without either walking the widget tree or adding a  
struct binding:
Indeed, there seems to be no convenient way to do this in the Perl
bindings.  The only way I see is:

  $e1->signal_connect(activate => sub {
    $assistant->set_current_page ($assistant->get_current_page + 1);

Although they are not documented, the C header file does export struct
members corresponding to the buttons:

  struct _GtkAssistant
    GtkWindow  parent;

    GtkWidget *cancel;
    GtkWidget *forward;
    GtkWidget *back;
    GtkWidget *apply;
    GtkWidget *close;
    GtkWidget *last;

    /*< private >*/
    GtkAssistantPrivate *priv;

So you actually can access the buttons from C and I wonder if we should
provide accessors in the bindings?
The fact that there's a priv pointer *and* these members in the  
instance seems to indicate that the idea is to make the buttons  
available via the instance.  However, gtk+ has a policy of "instance  
members are private unless otherwise stated"...  No other bindings  
appear to wrap these instance members.
So, to the gtk+ developers: are these fields something we should  
expose in language bindings?

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