"onClose" for multiple Gtk2::Notify objects

Playing with desktop notification candies, I tripped over an annoying problem:
how to properly use Gtk2::Notify in order to get appropriate closed
signals for each such notification object?

Currently, all I get is only the signal for first notification.
Here's the test code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -l
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes ();
use Gtk2::Notify -init, 'onCloseTest';

# testing 101: use "signal_connect" or "signal_add_emission_hook"?
# - "signal_connect" sounds reasonable, but only first notification gets it
# - "signal_add_emission_hook" triggers "closed" signals way too early
my $use_emission_hook = scalar @ARGV;

# notifications cache
my %notes = ();

# generate some notifications
for my $id ( 1 .. 3 ) {
   my $n = $notes{$id}
       = Gtk2::Notify->new( 'summary ' . $id, 'body ' . $id );
   $n->set_timeout( $id * 1000 );
   my $hook_method
       = $use_emission_hook ? 'signal_add_emission_hook' : 'signal_connect';
   $n->$hook_method( closed => \&closed, $id );
   print Time::HiRes::time, ' Showing note ', $id;


# "onClose" handler
sub closed {
   shift if $use_emission_hook; # skip "hints"
   my ($n, $id) = @_;
   print Time::HiRes::time, ' Closing note ', $id;
   delete $notes{$id};
   Gtk2->main_quit if !%notes;

Sample output ("signal_connect"):
$ ./on-close.pl
1169969648.259 Showing note 1
1169969648.26891 Showing note 2
1169969648.2776 Showing note 3
1169969649.35453 Closing note 1

Use ^C to exit Gtk loop, as no signals will be received upon closing
next notifications.

Sample output ("signal_add_emission_hook"):
$ ./on-close.pl 1
1169969850.63043 Showing note 1
1169969850.63678 Showing note 2
1169969850.6449 Showing note 3
1169969851.63109 Closing note 1
1169969851.63122 Closing note 2
1169969851.63133 Closing note 3

Closing too fast.
Notification windows were not really closed yet when receiving those signals.

Environment details:
GNU/Linux 2.6.19
perl 5.8.8 (i386-linux-thread-multi)
glib 2.12.9
gtk2 2.10.8
dbus 1.0.1
libnotify 0.4.3
notification-daemon 0.3.6
Gtk2 1.142
Glib 1.142
Gtk2::Notify 0.02


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