Re: CPU load increasing with IO watch

On Jan 24, 2007, at 6:16 PM, Mike Martin wrote:

I have the following code using IO watch

open($file, "-|","$prog $inp1 $opts $newfile  2>&1" );

my $end_mark=$buffer->create_mark('end',$buffer->get_end_iter,0);

our $tag=  Glib::IO->add_watch ( fileno($file), ['in', 'hup'], sub {
          my ($fileno, $condition,$tag) = @_;
          if ($condition eq 'hup') {

                  close $file;
                  return 0;  # uninstall

or "close and uninstall if condition is 'hup'". You don't want to do this first. Place the check for "hup" *last* in the handler. $condition can contain *both* 'in' and 'hup' in the same invocation, and if you do the hang-up first, you will discard that final chunk of data.

          my $line ;
          sysread $file, $line, 256;
          my $start=$buffer->get_iter_at_line(25);
          my $endline;
          if ($buffer->get_line_count() >34){
          else {$endline=$buffer->get_line_count()};

          my $end=$buffer->get_iter_at_line($endline);

$textview->scroll_to_mark($end_mark, 0.0,1,0.0,1.0);});

This signal_connect() call belongs outside of the handler, where you create $buffer. With the call in here in the io watch handler, you will install another signal handler on the buffer every time the watch handler is invoked. The way this is written, after 100 callbacks to the watch handler, the $buffer will invoke each and every one of the 100 closures you've attached to its insert_text signal. This takes memory and time and will cause your program to run slower and hog more resources.

          if ($endline >34){
          $buffer->insert($buffer->get_end_iter, $line);
          sleep 10;

Never, ever sleep() in an event-driven program, especially not for ten seconds. This causes your IO watch to block the main loop, meaning your UI becomes unresponsive and a large number of unprocessed events pile up. You even run the risk of losing data on sockets or causing the other end of the pipe to block until there is room available for writing.

          return 1;

The problem I have is that as the watch progresses CPU load for the
watch increases at the expense of external program being run.

Try fixing the issues i mentioned above, and see if you still have these problems.

Doing a good job around here is like wetting your pants in a dark suit; you get a warm feeling, but no one notices.
  -- unknown

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