Re: SimpleList/TreeView data manipulation & TextView questions

On Jan 5, 2007, at 9:57 PM, Michael McGinn wrote:
This is my first email to the distribution list and I am new to Gtk2-perl.

The first question is related to manipulating an array in a SimpleList/TreeView. I’m having trouble figuring out how to identify which row or rows have been selected. Once the row is selected I want to either insert an additional row or delete the row. These actions will be triggered by a signal from a popup menu which contains an Insert Row and Delete Row option.

I created the SimpleList and populated it with data and have created the popup menu tied to the SimpleList. The only thing that seems to be missing is identifying the selected row so I can pass it to ‘splice’ for a delete or do whatever else is required.
You can get the indices of the selected row or rows with Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List::get_selected_indices():

    my @selected = $slist->get_selected_indices;

These are the zero-based index numbers of the row array, suitable for use with slice().

You can also use conventional gtk+ methods, based on the TreeSelection object:

my $selection = $slist->get_selection; # SimpleList isa TreeView, you see
    my $n_selected = $selection->count_selected_rows;
my @paths = $selection->get_selected_rows; # returns a list of TreePath objects

These are described in the Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List (or deprecated Gtk2::SimpleList) and Gtk2::TreeSelection manpages, respectively.

The second question is related to manipulating the columns of a SimpleList/TreeView. I can’t figure out how to move or resize a column. I have set the column to resizable and have made the column clickable.
You also need to make the TreeViewColumn "reorderable":

   $column->set_reorderable (TRUE);

or, using object properties,

   $column->set (reorderable => TRUE);

You can fetch columns with either $treeview->get_column($index) or @ary = $treeview->get_columns, so something like

    foreach my $column ($slist->get_columns) {
        $column->set (resizable => TRUE,
                      clickable => TRUE,
                      reorderable => TRUE);

should get you going easily. tree-view-column-set-reorderable

Note that reordering the view columns has no effect on the model.

The third question is related to updating a TextView as activity is progressing. Currently the TextView display is only updated after the processing is finished. I have a number of separate functions that make system calls and I want to be able to update the TextView to reflect the activity at the time and not wait until it’s all complete.
You're not returning control the main loop, which is where screen updates happen. Instead of system() or backticks, use a pipe-open and an IO watch, as described in the faq:

"How do I keep my GUI updating while doing a long file read?" FrequentlyAskedQuestions#head-20b1c1d3a92f0c61515cb88d15e06b686eba6cbc

There are several threads discussing this very topic on the mailing list (hence its inclusion in the faq ;-), which may help with the fine details. +watch

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