Gtk::TreeStore insert_with_values weirdness


I saw that Gtk2::TreeStore provides now the insert_with_values method
and I have a strange problem with it:

                my $iter = $self->{treemodel}->insert_with_values(undef, -1,
                        $COL_FILEINFO, $_,
                        $COL_ICON,     $_->get_mimetype_icon,
                        $COL_NAME,     $_->get_basename,

There is nothing wrong with it, but it fails with this error:

Usage: $iter = $treestore->insert_with_values ($parent, $position,
column1, value1, ...)
    The first value in each pair must be a column index number at
/home/jens/filer/Filer/ line 239.

$COL_FILEINFO and friends are Readonly variables and imported properly
(no complains with use strict). Now this: If I print $COL_FILEINFO
before the insert_with_values statement
I get no error and everything works as expected. WTF!?


Jens Luedicke

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