Re: Installing Gtk2 using PPM on Windows

On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 03:31:28 +0800, Jamie Lahowetz <deadpickle gmail com> wrote:
I ran the program in a terminal window and received this error "Can't load
'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/Glib/Glib.dll' for module Glib: load_file:The
specified procedure could not be found at C:/Perl/lib/ line
229." I didnt find much on goolge about this. I hope someone here can help
me out.
There are two possible reason:
1. You don't havel Gtk2 Runtime environment for win32 installed. But you said you did
     install it.
2. The "bin" directory of Gtk2 Runtime environment should be in the Environment Variable "PATH". But When I install Gtk2 Runtime environment, it add it automaticly. So you
    have to check by yourself.

Best regards,
Ye Wenbin

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