Re: forked process exiting before output read

Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
On 31/07/07, muppet <scott asofyet org> wrote:
With some very minor changes, i get this example to work just fine.
(No need to go dorking around with the insanity of threads... ;-)


No problem.  I can never resist the challenge of figuring out how to do
something without a thread when a thread is not really warranted.  ;-)

If small lines of text are what you have, you might actually want to
use datagram sockets, because you'll get guaranteed delivery of
entire messages.

Never heard of those before, but google is my friend.

AF_UNIX + SOCK_DGRAM works nicely as a select()able replacement for those
crappy SysV message queues, and even the POSIX message queues that you still
can't use with select().  ;-)

Do I need to worry about the flags in send and recv?

Not really; they seem to be for more esoteric uses.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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