Re: setting line dash on Gnome2::Canvas

Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 18:04 -0500, zentara wrote:

# feeble attempt dosn't work
#$line1->set_dashes( {0,0xff,0,0xff} );

As the name gdk_gc_set_dashes suggests, you need to call the set_dashes
method on a Gtk2::Gdk::GC object:

  $gc->set_dashes(0, 0xff, 0, 0xff);

Unfortunately though, the "gc" struct member of Gnome2::Canvas::Line is
not accessible via the bindings at this point -- so right now, I think
this isn't possible.

The following hack works for me:

use Inline C => 'DATA';


....<your stuff>



void pattern(SV* dashes, ... )
        int i;

        static struct dashes {
          double offset;
          int ndash;
          double *buf;
        } *dash = NULL;
        if ( dash == NULL ) {
           New(0, dash, 1, struct dashes);
           New(0, dash->buf, Inline_Stack_Items-1, double);
        } else {
           Renew(dash->buf, Inline_Stack_Items-1, double);
        dash->ndash = Inline_Stack_Items-1;
        dash->offset = SvNV(Inline_Stack_Item(0));
        for ( i = 1; i < Inline_Stack_Items; i++ )
          dash->buf[i-1] = SvNV(Inline_Stack_Item(i)) > 0 ?
SvNV(Inline_Stack_Item(i)) : 1;
        Inline_Stack_Push(sv_2mortal(newSViv((long) dash)));

remco wouts

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