Re: Issues with iconview

On Jan 29, 2006, at 2:01 PM, ofey aikon wrote:

Sorry.. attached the wrong file before :)

On 1/29/06, ofey aikon <ofey aikon gmail com> wrote:
In the first one, I am creating a pixbuf from a stock_icon and adding
it to an iconview and then adding it to a scrolledwindow. Everything
works as expected here.

IconView is a natively-scrollable widget. As such, it typically takes as much space as it is given, and appears to request only some minimal amount. You're adding the IconView to a box and then adding the box to a ScrolledWindow with a viewport. Is that really what you want? If this works correctly, it will cause the labels to scroll with the IconView, which tends to be rather disorienting.

Why not add the IconView directly to the ScrolledWindow, then place the ScrolledWindow in the VBox?

If that layout is really what you want, you can get the viewport to behave as expected by giving a size request to the icon view (e.g., $iconview->set_size_request (100, 400)), but this then requires you to come up with some numbers.

In the second one, everything is same except that I create the pixbuf
from a jpeg file. This time the scrolledwindow doesn't behave quite
well. I don't see the scrollbars. When I expand the window and reduce
it, the label "Two" starts hiding the iconview area.

Both examples behave this way for me.

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