Re: Issues with iconview

Sorry.. attached the wrong file before :)

On 1/29/06, ofey aikon <ofey aikon gmail com> wrote:
I am encountering a strange problem with the iconview widget. Attached
are two scripts to demonstrate the case.

In the first one, I am creating a pixbuf from a stock_icon and adding
it to an iconview and then adding it to a scrolledwindow. Everything
works as expected here.

In the second one, everything is same except that I create the pixbuf
from a jpeg file. This time the scrolledwindow doesn't behave quite
well. I don't see the scrollbars. When I expand the window and reduce
it, the label "Two" starts hiding the iconview area.

I have fooled around with the VBox packing flags ('expand', 'fill') to no avail.

Any help will be appreciated.

I am running
Glib 1.103
Gtk2 1.102
Glib built for 2.8.6, running with 2.8.6
Gtk2 built for 2.8.9, running with 2.8.10



Attachment: iconviewtest.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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