Linking Gtk2.dll on msys/mingw

Episode 2 : 

The Gtk2.dll is  built using the patch below  and using the trick
mentionned before  (dmake >build.log + custom perl  script to work
around line too long).

Surely the patch could be written better, two candidates in :


Can someone check their and confirm that they use
'lib'  instead of 'dll'  in windows  configurations (as  an added
bonus, precisions on how perl was built are welcome).

Now, 'dmake text' whine about a missing 'dll.exp.dll'.

Does that ring a bell ?


cd c:/PhD/src/Gtk2-1.104/
diff -c "c:/PhD/src/Gtk2-1.104/Makefile.PL~" "c:/PhD/src/Gtk2-1.104/Makefile.PL"
*** c:/PhD/src/Gtk2-1.104/Makefile.PL~  Thu Feb 16 10:31:08 2006
--- c:/PhD/src/Gtk2-1.104/Makefile.PL   Thu Feb 16 10:00:14 2006
*** 307,313 ****
        # the Glib module was built, and add it to the list of lib files.
        # say it with me: "i hate win32."
        my $retstring = "";
--- 307,313 ----
        # the Glib module was built, and add it to the list of lib files.
        # say it with me: "i hate win32."
+       # I hate win32 (but it doesn't help :)
        my $retstring = "";
*** 315,320 ****
--- 315,323 ----
        find (sub {
                        $retstring .= " ".$File::Find::name
                                if /Glib.lib/i;
+                       # msys/mingw creates a dll
+                       $retstring .= " ".$File::Find::name
+                               if /Glib.dll/i ;
                }, @INC);
        return $retstring;

Diff finished at Thu Feb 16 11:31:13

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