Re: how to use memprof in non gui mode, on run it is showing gtk warning

On Feb 8, 2006, at 11:57 PM, rama krishna kusanapudi wrote:

I want to use memprof in non gui mode, since i dont have xwindows environment. ..It is giving gtk warning, when i try to run it using command line .. please specify the way to do it .. and also specify any tools which will trace the memory leaks. when i use Devel::leak perl module it is only returning the addresses but not providing more information.. so please let me know any tools available in this regard

Are you talking about this?
That MemProf is a C program and doesn't really have anything to do with Gtk2-Perl. The webpage points to Debauch, which supposedly has no gui, but i haven't looked at it.

There's also Valgrind, which can give you all sorts of useful information (leaks, bad memory access, memory usage stats etc), and doesn't require a gui or even recompilation, although it does cause your program to run very slowly.

In either case, these tools capture information about allocations using libc's malloc, so if your perl is built with the (faster) internal heap allocator, you'll get results of limited usefulness.

Without more information it's hard to give you meaningful advice. Can you describe the program you're profiling and what you actually want to know?

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