Re: building glib on win32 MSVC6

Writing build/
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lgobject-2.0
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lglib-2.0
Writing Makefile for Glib

 I got around the .lib part by putting those libs in the Makefile by hand.

But there's another issue still.
Glib's tests fail on all three compilers I worked with, msvc6 and 7 and mingw.
I have tried multiple builds, which include perls built from
ActiveState's last source ( 5.8.8 817) and vanilla 5.9.4; I tested it
against all. The builds are without threading and multiplicity, and

For msvc7 I did an
#define strtoll _strtoi64
#define strtoull _strtoui64
For mingw I changed nothing and for msvc6 I used atoi64.
All fail the same.

This is from perl 5.9.4 with msvc7:

       C:\perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'bl
ib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t
t/1........................ok 1/23
t/1........................NOK 15#   Failed test 'before any calls to anything'
#   in t/1.t at line 47.
#          got: 'perl.exe'
#     expected: undef
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 23.
       Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
DIED. FAILED test 15
       Failed 1/23 tests, 95.65% okay
t/64bit....................ok 1/12
t/64bit....................NOK 2#   Failed test in t/64bit.t at line 25.
#          got: '1'
#     expected: '-9223372036854775807'

t/64bit....................NOK 3#   Failed test in t/64bit.t at line 26.
#          got: '-1'
#     expected: '9223372036854775807'

t/64bit....................NOK 7#   Failed test in t/64bit.t at line 35.
#          got: '4294967295'
#     expected: '18446744073709551615'

t/64bit....................NOK 9#   Failed test in t/64bit.t at line 46.
#          got: '1'
#     expected: '-9223372036854775807'

t/64bit....................NOK 10#   Failed test in t/64bit.t at line 48.
#          got: '-1'
#     expected: '9223372036854775807'

t/64bit....................NOK 12#   Failed test in t/64bit.t at line 53.
#          got: '4294967295'
#     expected: '18446744073709551615'
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 12.
       Test returned status 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
DIED. FAILED tests 2-3, 7, 9-10, 12
       Failed 6/12 tests, 50.00% okay
t/9........................Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)
NMAKE : fatal error U1058: terminated by user

( t/9 freezes, so i sent it a sigint there. )

The Gtk2 module itself has no issues building, but has also some tests failing:

Failed Test          Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
t/Gdk.t               255 65280    17    4  16-17
t/GdkCursor.t         255 65280     8    3  7-8
t/GdkDisplay.t        255 65280    21   41  1-21
t/GdkProperty.t       255 65280    46   70  12-46
t/GdkSelection.t      255 65280    20    0  ??
t/GdkWindow.t           2   512    39    2  7-8
t/GtkFontSelection.t    1   256     9    1  8
(54 subtests UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 5 tests and 35 subtests skipped.
Failed 7/180 test scripts. 63/3632 subtests failed.
Files=180, Tests=3632, 82 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)
Failed 7/180 test programs. 63/3632 subtests failed.

pasted from the same Perl as the Glib above. But as I said, the
behavior is the same with all perls I tried, AS 5.8.8 / vanilla 5.9.4
with msvc{6,7} and mingw. And iirc same goes with the build from (5.8.8 with mingw).
I did not yet check what those failed tests do - hadn't had the time -
but I thought reporting them here asap is a "good thing". :)
( This is just a report, not a request for anything. )

perl -MLWP::Simple -e'print$_[rand(split(q.%%\n.,

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