Re: Stocks don't seem


muppet 2005. október 16. 16.01 dátummal ezt írta:
You can control the setting either with code, as i did in the little
example last night, or by adding a line to a gtkrc.

I added these two lines to ~/.gtkrc-2.0:

    gtk-button-images = 0
    gtk-menu-images = 0

and now all of the stock images disappear from the buttons and
menuitems in all of my gtk+ 2.x programs when run with gtk+ 2.6.0 or
later.  When i run that little example program, i can turn them back
on for the duration of the program.

Very strange: all applications what are not written in Perl Gtk2 shows or 
hides stock items...

But the persistent setting is in a gtkrc file.  This is why i said
you need to look through all of your gtkrc files for something that
would turn button images off.

I couldn't find any gtkrc file what can turn on this function.

Revisited Bubble theme.

Does this theme turn off button images?  I couldn't find that theme

Sorry that's name is Bubbles-Revisited-GTK, but not's that the point. 'cos 
with the rest themes didn't work too.

Because I couldn't find the gtkrc file which can affect showing of stocks, as 
I wrote above, I had to turn on using your solution in the program:

$setting_butt{$mainwin}-> set ('gtk-button-images', !$setting_butt{$mainwin}->

And stocks seem already. :)

Many thanks, muppet!


Péter Simon (Pepó)

GPRS Easy Connect team
mail: simon peter gprsec hu
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