Shopping Cart Tax Exempt Feature Broken
- From: "fmp superior" <fmp superiorshelving com>
- To: gtk-perl-list gnome org
- Subject: Shopping Cart Tax Exempt Feature Broken
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 10:28:09 -0700
Hello All,
Please forgive me for jumping in like this, but I could really
use your help. First off, I have to confess that I am NOT a perl
programmer. I do want to learn, but I need to get this problem fixed
as soon as possible. Hopefully someone here will be willing to help me.
The tax exempt feature in my shopping cart is broken. Even when
a customer is flagged as tax exempt, they are still charged tax in
their orders. I've included what I think is the relevant section to
the cart in hopes that someone could see where the problem lies.
Thank you for any help you can give me. If you need more
information, please let me know.
sub TotalCart
my ($shipamt,$calculation,$from_page,$domains,$line,
$this_item,$thisloop,$cartitem, @newcalcs) = ();
($main::global->{form}->{chargetotal}, $main::global->{form}->
{'subtotal'}, $main::global->{form}->{'shipcost'}, $main::global->
{form}->{'totalweight'}, $main::global->{form}->{'totalqty'},
{form}->{totalshipping}, $main::global->{form}->{'totalcalcs'}, %
{$main::global->{key}}) = ();
$counter = 0;
my (%hazardous, $hazardous,$shiptotals);
%{$shiptotals} = ();
foreach $cartitem (sort keys (%{$main::global->{cart}}))
next if (! $cartitem || $cartitem eq 'formdata');
my @cartparts = split (/\t/,$main::global->{cart}->
next if ($cartparts[1] <= 0);
my $item = &ModifyCartItem('modify',$cartparts[1],
$item->{'shipping'} = &CalculateItemShipping($main::global->
$shiptotals);# if ($item->{'shipping'} =~ /, */);
$item->{'unitprice'} += $item->{'optionprice'};
$item->{'netprice'} = ($item->{'quantity'} * $item->
{'unitprice'}) + $item->{'other'};
$item->{'netweight'} = $item->{'quantity'} * $item->
$item->{'netvolume'} = $item->{'quantity'} * $item->
$item->{'itemcount'} = $counter;
$hazardous .= "|$item->{'hazardous'}";
$main::global->{key}->{$item->{'itemid'}} += $item->
$main::global->{form}->{'subtotal'} += $item->
$main::global->{form}->{'taxtotal'} += $item->
{'netprice'} unless ($item->{taxable} || $main::global->{userinfo}->
$main::global->{form}->{'totalqty'} += $item->
$main::global->{form}->{'totalship'} += $item->
{'quantity'} unless ($item->{itemid} =~ /(pld|gft)$/); #ignore gift
certs and payloads
$main::global->{form}->{'totalweight'} += $item->
$main::global->{form}->{'totalother'} += $item->{'other'};
$main::global->{form}->{'totalvolume'} += $item->
foreach my $hazard (split (/\|/,$hazardous))
next unless ($hazard =~ /\w/);
$hazardous = join ("|", keys %hazardous);
$main::global->{form}->{key} = join ("|", keys %{$main::global->
if ($main::global->{cartcounter}) {
$main::global->{form}->{newcalcinput} = [];
$main::global->{form}->{newcalc} = [];
$main::global->{form}->{hide} = {};
#validate coupon
$main::global->{form}->{authamt} = 0;
{'coupontype'}) = &VerifyCoupon if ($main::global->{form}->
{'couponid'} && $main::global->{form}->{'couponpass'});
if ($main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} eq 'error') {
{userinfo}->{'couponpass'}) = ();
if ($main::global->{form}->{'coupontype'} =~ /coupon/i)
{ #coupon: apply discount before taxes
$main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} = $main::global->
{form}->{'subtotal'} if ($main::global->{form}->{authamt} >
$main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} = - $main::global->
{form}->{'authamt'} if ($main::global->{form}->{'authamt'});
$main::global->{form}->{'ordercalcs'} += $main::global->
{form}->{'authamt'} if ($main::global->{form}->{'subtotal'} > 0);
$main::global->{form}->{calccounter} = 0;
$main::global->{form}->{recalculate} = 1;
$main::global->{form}->{newcalcs} = [];
#do calculations
foreach my $calctype (qw (ordercalcs precalcs addcalcs noadd))
foreach $calc (@{$main::global->{open}->{calculations}->
do_calculation($calctype, $calc, $shiptotals,
$main::global->{form}->{'taxexempt'} = $main::global->
$main::global->{form}->{'totalsalestax'} = &moneyfy
($main::global->{form}->{'precalcs'}, $main::global->{config}->
$main::global->{form}->{'totalcalcs'} = join ("\r", @
#calculate after-tax total
$main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} = $main::global->
{form}->{'subtotal'} + $main::global->{form}->{'ordercalcs'} +
$main::global->{form}->{'precalcs'} + $main::global->{form}->
#now subtract gift certs
if ($main::global->{form}->{'coupontype'} =~ /ship/i) {
$main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} = $main::global->
$main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} = - $main::global->
{form}->{'authamt'} if ($main::global->{form}->{'authamt'});
$main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} += $main::global->
{form}->{'authamt'} ;
$main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} = 0 unless
($main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} > 0);
elsif ($main::global->{form}->{'coupontype'} =~ /gift/i) {
$main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} = $main::global->
{form}->{'chargetotal'} if ($main::global->{form}->{authamt} >
$main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} = - $main::global->
{form}->{'authamt'} if ($main::global->{form}->{'authamt'});
$main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} += $main::global->
{form}->{'authamt'} ;
$main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} = 0 unless
($main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} > 0);
$main::global->{form}->{'authamt'} = &moneyfy
($main::global->{form}->{'authamt'}, $main::global->{config}->
$main::global->{'form'}->{'Credit'} = &moneyfy
$main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'} = &moneyfy
($main::global->{form}->{'chargetotal'}, $main::global->{config}->
#replace shipmethod tag with popup menu
my @methods = ();
my $shipamt = 0;
foreach $type (sort @{$main::global->{open}->{calculations}->
my ($sort, $cname) = split (/%%/, $type);
next if ($hazardous && $cname =~ /^$hazardous$/);
#prevents air shipments of hazardous cargo
$shipamt = $main::global->{form}->{$cname};
unless ($shipamt =~ /free/i) {
next if (! $shipamt || $shipamt eq '--');
$shipamt = &moneyfy($shipamt,$main::global->{config}-
my $methods = "<option value=\"$cname\"";
if ($main::global->{form}->{shiptype} eq $cname) {
$methods .= " selected";
$methods.= ">$cname-$shipamt</option>\n";
$main::global->{form}->{shiptype} = $cname unless
($main::global->{form}->{shiptype}); #get first shipping type as default
push @methods, $methods;
if (@methods == 1) {
$main::global->{form}->{shipmethod} = "<input type=
\"hidden\" name=\"shiptype\" value=\"$main::global->{form}->{shiptype}
\">$main::global->{form}->{shiptype}: $shipamt";
elsif (@methods > 1) {
$main::global->{form}->{shipmethod} = "<select name=
\"shiptype\">\n".join("\n", @methods) . "\n</select>\n";
else {
$main::global->{form}->{shipmethod} = '';
$main::global->{form}->{shipmethodjs} = $main::global->
$main::global->{form}->{shipmethodjs} =~ s/<select
name="shiptype">/<select name="shiptype" onChange="this.form.submit\
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