Re: Question about subclassing Gtk2::TextBuffer

muppet wrote  on 11/04/2005 04:13 PM:
Jaap Karssenberg said:
... 8< ..
Maybe I should provide a test script, maybe next week.
That would help.  I can't reproduce with a trivial script.  (Glib & Gtk2
1.081, gtk+ 2.4.14 and glib 2.4.7)
... 8< ..

Ok, it appears that I should not call $buffer->create_tag(..) during INIT_INSTANCE(). Not completely sure why but I can imagine something.
Anyway, my own init function which I call after construction gets rid of 
the error. I ain't a pretty solution, but it works for me :)
-- Jaap <pardus cpan org>

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