Re: "changed" signal

On Mar 5, 2005, at 9:22 AM, Ari Jolma wrote:

my $h = new_with_range Gtk2::HScale (0,10,1);
$h->signal_connect("changed" => sub {print "changed\n" });
$h->signal_connect("value-changed" => sub {print"value changed\n"} );

this gives a warning: signal "changed" is invalid

Indeed, because "changed" is one of Gtk2::Adjustment's signals, not a Gtk2::Scale's.

Also, the "changed" signal means that the properties of the adjustment have changed -- e.g. the max value, the min value, the step increment. The *value-changed* signal of Gtk2::Adjustment is what gets fired with the actual current value changes. GtkAdjustment.html#GtkAdjustment-changed

my $h = new_with_range Gtk2::HScale (0,10,1);
$h->get_adjustment->signal_connect("changed" => sub {print "changed\n" });
$h->signal_connect("value-changed" => sub {print"value changed\n"} );

this does not give a warning but the subroutine is never called, even though I resize the scale (it is in a window)

I get "value-changed" called on every move of the slider.

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use Glib ':constants';
  use Gtk2 -init;
  my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
  $window->signal_connect (destroy => sub {Gtk2->main_quit});
  my $h = new_with_range Gtk2::HScale (0, 10, 1);
  $h->signal_connect (value_changed => sub {
           print "value-changed : now ".$h->get_value."\n"
  $window->add ($h);

I bring the rock, and provided it is fiscally responsible, I will bring the funk as well. And that's fo-shizzle.
        -- Saturday Night Live

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