"changed" signal


I have this kind of code:

my $h = new_with_range Gtk2::HScale (0,10,1);
$h->signal_connect("changed" => sub {print "changed\n" });
$h->signal_connect("value-changed" => sub {print"value changed\n"} );

this gives a warning: signal "changed" is invalid

my $h = new_with_range Gtk2::HScale (0,10,1);
$h->get_adjustment->signal_connect("changed" => sub {print "changed\n" });
$h->signal_connect("value-changed" => sub {print"value changed\n"} );

this does not give a warning but the subroutine is never called, even though I resize the scale (it is in a window)
In another place (within a custom widget I'm building) I get the changed 
sub called but only once.
Any ideas?


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